Making Good Season 6 Episode 6 Recap: Peace of Mind Dog Rescue
Kirby travels to Pacific Grove, California to volunteer with Peace of Mind Dog Rescue, an organization that supports seniors and their furry companions.
POMDR takes in dogs from senior guardians who can no longer care for them, whether that’s because they’re in assisted living, have passed away, or just need a little extra help walking or taking their dogs to vet appointments. They also focus on rescuing senior dogs from shelters, as they’re the least likely to be adopted.

Kirby meets co-founders Carie and Monica to learn more about POMDR’s beginnings and impact at POMDR's seaside office.
14 years ago, Carie was helping take care of a dog named Savannah because her owner could no longer; the owner was extremely concerned about what would happen to Savannah as no friends or family would be able to take her after she passed, and the last place she wanted Savannah to end up was a shelter. Carie made a promise to Savannah’s owner she’d take care of her beloved best friend, allowing her to pass more peacefully during a critical time.
After her last visit with the owner, Carrie immediately called her long-time friend Monica, who she had been doing rescue work with for the last twelve years, and told her she had a new idea for a rescue group.
“I said right away, ‘I’m in. I absolutely love the idea,’” says Monica. “It’s definitely my passion but I wanted to add another part to it- that’s adding senior dogs from shelters, I wanted to take those in as well.”

“Some of these people, they just flat out tell us they don’t want to live unless they have a dog,” says Monica. But Monica and Carie say it’s not only the owners that are grateful for what they do, you can always tell the dogs are too; it’s not just about helping a dog or a guardian, but strengthening the relationship between the two.
With a busy week ahead of them, Monica and Carie need Kirby’s help with a few house visits and walking some furry friends. They pass him off to Bob, a POMDR volunteer that’s been with them for years, to visit guardian Charlotte’s house. Because Charlotte has medical appointments to attend, she needs help getting her dog, Missy May, to her vet checkup.

As soon as Kirby sits down with Charlotte, it’s apparent how meaningful the work POMDR is for her. When she underwent surgery months ago, she knew it would be a long recovery and a challenge to give Missy May the care she needed- that’s where POMDR came in.
“It’s probably really rewarding for the people who work there to see the difference that they make in people’s lives. Knowing that they’re giving that peace of mind to the people that need it, and of course the dogs,” Charlotte tells Kirby. “They’ve just been generous beyond belief. I’m so grateful for everything they’ve done for both of us.”
Kirby and Bob take Missy May back to the clinic to foster her for a few days, while Charlotte takes care of her appointments knowing her pup is in good hands.

Then, Kirby is off to meet Alison, a foster parent for POMDR for over five years. Alison refers to herself as a “foster failure” as she’s ended up adopting four out of the six dogs she’s fostered through POMDR.
As he meets POMDR volunteers and staff throughout the day, it’s clear to Kirby the organization is filled with remarkable people shining brightly in their community, like Dr. Erin, who Kirby joins back at the clinic to help give Missy May her physical exam.
“I do it for these little kiddos that don't get a good chance out in the shelters,” she tells Kirby. “If we can get them out of the shelters, we can give them a life where they’re so loving, they bring a life of joy to their future guardians and give them a purpose in life.”
Dr. Erin gives Kirby the overwhelming task of feeding and medicating the eight dogs at the clinic on his own. Each with their own specific diet and medication, Kirby pulls it off..even the hand feeding.

Hopeful Kirby can make a connection with a senior guardian and a dog that needs his help, POMDR Operations Manager Cameron recruits Kirby for help after a volunteer calls out, leaving him with three dog-walking brigades to take care of.
“A lot of these dogs, they are the only thing that's keeping their guardian engaging in the world around them. They are the only one that is providing them companionship day in and day out,” Cameron tells Kirby. “That dog, that companion, is their everything….is their best friend. And making sure that dog is looked after and long cared for, is really one of their big factors for waking up every day.”

First up is Kathy, who tells Kirby POMDR being able to help with her dog Lydia means the world to her. Then, he meets Lawrence and Sláinte, before ending the day with the biggest dog in the group, Ella. Ella is owner Rona’s eighth rescue; after losing her last dog, she was extremely depressed as she lost her best friend.
“I couldn’t get another one until I was certain I had somebody to walk her- and this is where POMDR came in,” she says. “And they all love her. And she loves them. And they become my friends. And each other's friends too. It’s a remarkable organization.”
Kirby takes Ella to the beach to frolic freely and enjoy the ocean breeze before returning her back home to Rona.

On Kirby’s last day, he heads back to the clinic to talk to Dr. Erin about Missy May’s health. After anxiously waiting, Kirby learns Missy May is in perfect condition to head back home for a tearful reunion with Charlotte.
To end the day, Kirby gathers a big audience of pups, guardians, along with POMDR volunteers and staff to perform his song, “Need You”, with even a few audience members howling along with him.
“It’s hard to believe that I have a job where I get to work with so many amazing people and be surrounded by beautiful, wonderful, deserving dogs,” says Carie.
“We’re seeing these senior people who are seeing these senior dogs, offering them help and dignity. These people matter, and these senior dogs matter,” remarks Monica.

Stream the episode now, and stay tuned for more brand new episodes of Making Good, premiering Sundays on BYUtv.